ViralBloggers Review: Coffeehouse Theology

I just finished thumbing through Coffeehouse Theology: Reflecting on God in Everyday Life by Ed Cyzewski. 

What began as the independent study of a seminary student interested in the interaction between theology and everyday life ended in this book.

I appreciate several things about Coffeehouse Theology, most of all this: Cyzewski repeats over and over the point that cultivating good theology involves not only knowing God, but knowing ourselves as well. Every person, regardless of who they are or where they come from, will tend toward seeing God through the lens of their own culture and experiences. If one is not careful, God can be turned in to a product of one’s own culture that is not God at all, but an idol. Cyzewski offers practical insight to combat this tendency, plus much more.

If you’re interested in doing an introductory study on the relationship between theology and culture, this may be a good book to start with as Cyzewski covers a lot of bases.


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